For sure support in your advanced machining workshop, you can rely on Nachi-Fujikoshi, a long-running world leader in the field of industrial robotics.
Accumulated through work on vehicle production lines, successfully meeting the ongoing challenges of ever-advancing industrial production, our focused expertise with automation means you get both the most advanced robots and the confidence that they will go on working reliably.
New Products
Up to 43% reduction in tact time compared to the conventional model
- High precision from high rigidity design.
- As pose repeatability has improved, MZ07F/MZ07LF can handle even more complex work. Improved path accuracy for reduction in tact time.
- Wiring for tools can be routed through the hollow wrist to minimize the risk of interference with peripheral equipment, allowing flexible operation even in small spaces.
Lightweight body, long reach
- Achieved 10kg payload and 1202mm reach with 55kg robot body mass.
- Improved flexibility in design with 10kg payload.
- Wiring for tools can be routed through the hollow wrist to minimize the risk of interference with peripheral equipment, allowing flexible operation even in small spaces.